Get the genuine, authentic, made-in-the-USA Davies 1400 knob.
These classic audio control knobs play nice with just about any piece of gear. Personally, we can't quite un-see their resemblance to The Muppets' Sam Eagle character, but hey -- if swapping knobs and tuning gear are the things that haunt you, well, life is pretty good.
And, just like Sam, a genuine Davies 1400 knob has the heft and gravitas you'd expect from a premium product.
Made of smooth, shiny thermoset plastic and features a sturdy insert that fits 1/4" smooth shaft potentiometers.
The Specs:
1400 Davies knob
Black or oxblood
Thermoset knob
Flat head set screw
For 1/4" smooth shaft potentiometer
9.7mm tall
17.2mm diameter at the base (this measurement does not include the pointer)
21.3mm including the pointer.
Made in the USA